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The Identity Model

FreshBooks users are uniquely identified by their email across our entire product. One user may act on several Businesses in different ways, so if leafy@example.com is an Administrator of one account and gets added as a Client on another, they will have some access to both. They could then open a second business of their own, or be added as an employee of another personā€™s businessā€”we live complicated lives! Our Identity model is how we keep track of it.

Businesses & Account Ids

You can find ids for the Businesses and Accounts a user can interact with by making a call to the Identity Info endpoint (or /me). An example of its response is in the code pane on the right. The key we care about most is business_memberships.

All of the business objects listed in the business_memberships will have an accountId as well as a role on that business (see Roles below). Those business objects also each have an id, which is the business_id. Be careful not to mistake the business’s id for the id of the business_membership object itself.

For example, in the Identity Info (/me) response:

"business_memberships": [
    "id": 111,
    "role": "owner",
    "business": {
        "id": 240340,
        "business_uuid": "046cc001-0002-e93e-1db1-1186b2983879",
        "name": "Awesome Business Inc.",
        "account_id": "ABC123",
        "date_format": "dd/mm/yyyy",
        "active": true

You can see that the user is an owner on this business which has a business_id of 230340 and an account_id of ABC123.

Access Requirements

For access to the /me endpoint.

AccessRequires Authorization

Acting on a Specific Account

For historical reasons, FreshBooks has shifted from an account concept to a business concept, but many resources still make use of accountIds.

Calls to /accounting endpoints require the accountId and take this form:

  1. /accounting/account/{accountId}/invoices/invoices

Calls to most non-accounting resources, such as the /timetracking/ and /projects/ endpoints usually require a businessId, for example:

  1. /timetracking/business/{businessId}/time_entries

All FreshBooks users have an Identity and a Business resource and thus a business_id. Most users have accounts, which represent their own FreshBooks account, but not all. For instance, when a Client receives an invoice, views it, and saves it, they will exist as an Identity in our system with a client Role on a Business, but they do not have an Account of their own. If you know your integration will never need to deal with someone who is just a Client and doesn’t have their own Account, you can ignore this. If you arenā€™t sure of that, you must gracefully handle the case where you cannot find an account for a user.


Over time the logical role names that FreshBooks’ API utilizes have diverged slightly from the names they are given in the FreshBooks application. Below are the relationships.

API RoleFreshBooks UI Role NameDetails
owner or adminOwnerThe primary Identity of a FreshBooks business. This shows as ‘owner’ in the business_memberships of the identity response, and ‘admin’ in the older, deprecated roles array of the response.
business_partnerAdminAn additional Identity with full access to the FreshBooks business.
business_managerManagerIdentity without access to full financial reports and information.
business_employeeEmployeeIdentity with access limited to their own expenses, projects, and time tracking.
business_accountantAccountantIdentity with access limited to accounting items such as report and expense categorization
contractorContractorAn Identity with their own Business that can track time and invoice this business.
clientClientIdentity that has received an invoice from this Business and saved it to their own.

Field Descriptions

The Identity endpoint is the source of truth for information about that user and the connections they have. It is comprised of many objects, and its contents may change in the future.

Identity Endpoint Fields
idintunique identity id
profileobjectuser profile information
first_namestringfirst name
last_namestringlast name
emailstringthe email identity
confirmed_atdatetimeemail confirmation time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format
created_atdatetimeidentity creation time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format
setup_completebooleanwhether identity has been populated with necessary data
phone_numbersarraylist of named phone numbers
addressesarraylist of addresses
professionobjectinformation about the user’s profession
linksobjectlist of related links to this resource
permissionsobjectlist of named permissions for each account
groupsobjectsee group table
subscription_statusesobjectdescriptions of account statuses
integrationsobjectlist of integrations
business_membershipsobjectcontains role id and business information

Businesses are a key object in the Identity Model. Every Identity is an Owner of a Business, and a Business may or may not have an Accounting System attached.

Business Fields
idintunique business id
namestringname of business
account_idstringunique string identity of accounting system if applicable
addressobjectobject containing business address info
phone_numberarraylist of named phone numbers
business_clientsarraylist of business client info

Group Memberships associate Identities with other objects, like Businesses or Projects. Identities have roles in Groups, but these are just named strings, not Role objects like the one outlined below. Identities and Group Memberships are the best way in our system to express relationships between people and the businesses they work with.

Group Fields
idintunique id of group membership
group_idintunique id for group
rolestringnamed role identity holds in group
identity_idintunique id of identity
first_namestringfirst name of identity
last_namestringlast name of identity
emailstringemail of identity
companystringname of business
business_idintid of business tied to group
activebooleanwhether business is active

Roles are a means of describing an Identity’s relationship to an Accounting System. FreshBooks is moving over the long term away from using Roles and Accounting Systems as primary objects in the Identity Model, so there is some overlap between this data and Business Memberships. Whenever possible, try to make use of Business Memberships rather than Roles.

Role Fields
idintunique role id
rolestringname of role
systemidintunique integer identity of accounting system
useridintunique id for user within context of accounting system
created_atdatetimerole creation time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format
linksobjectlist of related links to this resource
accountidstringunique string identity of accounting system

Example Identity Info Call


curl -X GET
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <insert your bearer here>'
-H 'Api-Version: alpha'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "response": {
    "id": 712052,
    "profile": {
      "setup_complete": true,
      "first_name": "Bruce",
      "last_name": "Wayne",
      "phone_number": null,
      "address": null,
      "professions": [
          "id": 17748,
          "title": "Accounting",
          "company": "BillSpring",
          "designation": null
    "first_name": "Bruce",
    "last_name": "Wayne",
    "email": "b@example.com",
    "confirmed_at": "2016-01-26T16:01:23Z",
    "created_at": "2016-01-26T16:00:41Z",
    "unconfirmed_email": null,
    "setup_complete": true,
    "phone_numbers": [
        "title": "",
        "phone_number": null
    "addresses": [
    "profession": {
      "id": 17748,
      "title": "Accounting",
      "company": "BillSpring",
      "designation": null
    "links": {
      "me": "/service/auth/api/v1/users?id=712052",
      "roles": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/712052"
    "permissions": {
      "zDmNq": {
        "notifications.access": true,
        "beta.mobile.expenses": true,
        "client.event.search": true,
        "time_tracking.access": true,
        "invoice_discounts.access": true,
        "clienttypeahead.access": true,
        "invoice_line_item_typeahead.access": true,
        "client.limit": 2,
        "staff.limit": -1
      "e6Wmk": {
        "notifications.access": true,
        "beta.mobile.expenses": true,
        "client.event.search": true,
        "time_tracking.access": true,
        "invoice_discounts.access": true,
        "clienttypeahead.access": true,
        "client.limit": -1,
        "staff.limit": -1
    "groups": [
        "id": 90610,
        "group_id": 23738,
        "role": "owner",
        "identity_id": 712052,
        "first_name": "Bruce",
        "last_name": "Wayne",
        "email": "b@example.com",
        "company": "BillSpring",
        "business_id": 77128,
        "active": true
        "id": 168372,
        "group_id": 96277,
        "role": "owner",
        "identity_id": 712052,
        "first_name": "Bruce",
        "last_name": "Wayne",
        "email": "b@example.com",
        "company": "BillSpring",
        "business_id": 77128,
        "active": true
        "id": 1570108,
        "group_id": 568705,
        "role": "manager",
        "identity_id": 712052,
        "first_name": "bruce",
        "last_name": "Wayne",
        "email": "b@example.com",
        "company": "BillSpring",
        "business_id": 311394,
        "active": true
    "subscription_statuses": {
      "zDmNq": "active",
      "e6Wmk": "trial_expired"
    "integrations": {},
    "business_memberships": [
        "id": 168372,
        "role": "owner",
        "business": {
          "id": 77128,
          "name": "BillSpring",
          "account_id": "zDmNq",
          "address": {
            "id": 74595,
            "street": "123",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "province": "Ontario",
            "country": "Canada",
            "postal_code": "A1B2C3"
          "phone_number": null,
          "business_clients": [
              "id": 22347,
              "business_id": 77128,
              "account_id": "Xr82w",
              "userid": 74353,
              "client_business": {
                "business_id": 77128
              "account_business": {
                "account_business_id": 363103,
                "account_id": "Xr82w"
        "id": 1570108,
        "role": "manager",
        "business": {
          "id": 311394,
          "name": "another_bruce",
          "account_id": "e6Wmk",
          "address": {
            "id": 114984,
            "street": "123 Fake St.",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "province": "Ontario",
            "country": "Canada",
            "postal_code": "A1B2D3"
          "phone_number": null,
          "business_clients": []
    "roles": [
        "id": 682608,
        "role": "admin",
        "systemid": 1953394,
        "userid": 1,
        "created_at": "2016-01-26T16:00:44Z",
        "links": {
          "destroy": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/682608"
        "accountid": "zDmNq"
        "id": 938330,
        "role": "staff",
        "systemid": 2589025,
        "userid": 2307391,
        "created_at": "2016-09-02T15:41:59Z",
        "links": {
          "destroy": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/938330"
        "accountid": "e6Wmk"
        "id": 994207,
        "role": "client",
        "systemid": 2699898,
        "userid": 74353,
        "created_at": "2016-09-30T15:42:56Z",
        "links": {
          "destroy": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/994207"
        "accountid": "Xr82w"

Example Identity Info Call

Request: GET


url = "https://api.freshbooks.com/auth/api/v1/users/me"
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <bearer token>', 'Api-Version': 'alpha', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
res = requests.get(url, data=None, headers=headers)
jsonData = res.json()


  "response": {
    "id": 712052,
    "profile": {
      "setup_complete": true,
      "first_name": "Bruce",
      "last_name": "Wayne",
      "phone_number": null,
      "address": null,
      "professions": [
        "id": 17748,
          "title": "Accounting",
          "company": "BillSpring",
          "designation": null
    "first_name": "Bruce",
    "last_name": "Wayne",
    "email": "b@example.com",
    "confirmed_at": "2016-01-26T16:01:23Z",
    "created_at": "2016-01-26T16:00:41Z",
    "unconfirmed_email": null,
    "setup_complete": true,
    "phone_numbers": [
        "title": "",
        "phone_number": null
    "addresses": [
    "profession": {
      "id": 17748,
      "title": "Accounting",
      "company": "BillSpring",
      "designation": null
    "links": {
      "me": "/service/auth/api/v1/users?id=712052",
      "roles": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/712052"
    "permissions": {
      "zDmNq": {
        "notifications.access": true,
        "beta.mobile.expenses": true,
        "client.event.search": true,
        "time_tracking.access": true,
        "invoice_discounts.access": true,
        "clienttypeahead.access": true,
        "invoice_line_item_typeahead.access": true,
        "client.limit": 2,
        "staff.limit": -1
      "e6Wmk": {
        "notifications.access": true,
        "beta.mobile.expenses": true,
        "client.event.search": true,
        "time_tracking.access": true,
        "invoice_discounts.access": true,
        "clienttypeahead.access": true,
        "client.limit": -1,
        "staff.limit": -1
    "groups": [
        "id": 90610,
        "group_id": 23738,
        "role": "owner",
        "identity_id": 712052,
        "first_name": "Bruce",
        "last_name": "Wayne",
        "email": "b@example.com",
        "company": "BillSpring",
        "business_id": 77128,
        "active": true
        "id": 168372,
        "group_id": 96277,
        "role": "owner",
        "identity_id": 712052,
        "first_name": "Bruce",
        "last_name": "Wayne",
        "email": "b@example.com",
        "company": "BillSpring",
        "business_id": 77128,
        "active": true
        "id": 1570108,
        "group_id": 568705,
        "role": "manager",
        "identity_id": 712052,
        "first_name": "bruce",
        "last_name": "Wayne",
        "email": "b@example.com",
        "company": "BillSpring",
        "business_id": 311394,
        "active": true
    "subscription_statuses": {
      "zDmNq": "active",
      "e6Wmk": "trial_expired"
    "integrations": {},
    "business_memberships": [
        "id": 168372,
        "role": "owner",
        "business": {
          "id": 77128,
          "name": "BillSpring",
          "account_id": "zDmNq",
          "address": {
            "id": 74595,
            "street": "123",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "province": "Ontario",
            "country": "Canada",
            "postal_code": "A1B2C3"
          "phone_number": null,
          "business_clients": [
              "id": 22347,
              "business_id": 77128,
              "account_id": "Xr82w",
              "userid": 74353,
              "client_business": {
                "business_id": 77128
                "account_business": {
                "account_business_id": 363103,
                "account_id": "Xr82w"
        "id": 1570108,
        "role": "manager",
        "business": {
          "id": 311394,
          "name": "another_bruce",
          "account_id": "e6Wmk",
          "address": {
            "id": 114984,
            "street": "123 Fake St.",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "province": "Ontario",
            "country": "Canada",
            "postal_code": "A1B2D3"
          "phone_number": null,
          "business_clients": []
    "roles": [
        "id": 682608,
        "role": "admin",
        "systemid": 1953394,
        "userid": 1,
        "created_at": "2016-01-26T16:00:44Z",
        "links": {
          "destroy": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/682608"
        "accountid": "zDmNq"
        "id": 938330,
        "role": "staff",
        "systemid": 2589025,
        "userid": 2307391,
        "created_at": "2016-09-02T15:41:59Z",
        "links": {
          "destroy": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/938330"
        "accountid": "e6Wmk"
        "id": 994207,
        "role": "client",
        "systemid": 2699898,
        "userid": 74353,
        "created_at": "2016-09-30T15:42:56Z",
        "links": {
          "destroy": "/service/auth/api/v1/users/role/994207"
        "accountid": "Xr82w"