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Signals for U.S. Economic Growth

How Small Businesses Contribute to Economic Recovery

In this report, we examine expense trends in small and medium-sized companies, and how and where theyā€™re spending. This perspective is valuable to understand the path that Americaā€™s economic recovery is taking.

Hereā€™s What We Found

Freelancers and small business owners are adaptable and resilient (surprise, surprise). In 2020, they shifted their ways of doing business and put a focus on salaries, wages, and healthcare ā€” the basics of what it means for a business to be sustainable.

Spending On Supplies and Wages Increased During the Pandemic

In 2020, supplies and wages experienced the highest volume increase of all business expense categories (Supplies 24.11%, Wages 23.66%).

Spending on Life Insurance, Benefits, and Health Insurance Also Increased

During the pandemic, it became more expensive for smaller firms to take care of their employees. Life Insurance spending saw a 12.96% increase over the course of 2020.

Expenses Related to In-Person Experiences Are Declining Due to Remote Work

Of course, expenses related to travel (-24.14%) and airfare (-35.56%) saw a decline throughout the pandemic, but there are a host of in-person-related expenses that also took a big hit.

Can you guess which states outside of traditional tech hubs saw the biggest increase in spending to aid economic recovery?