Heather Hudson

Freelancer & FreshBooks Customer Heather Hudson has been a freelance writer for more than 17 years. As a small business owner, she understands the triumphs and challenges of life as an entrepreneur. And as a long-time FreshBooks customer, she’s always looking for ways to work smarter, not harder. You can learn more about her work at heatherhudson.ca.

Awkward Conversations: A Guide for Small Business Owners [Free eBook]

Remember that time when you had to talk about budgets with your first client or when you crafted an uncomfortable email to some...

Working to Deadlines: 12 Ways to Be More Focused and Productive

Working to Deadlines: 12 Ways to Be More Focused and Productive

Working to Deadlines: 12 Ways to Be More Focused and Productive
Selling Your Small Business: Here's What You Need to Know

Selling Your Small Business: Here's What You Need to Know

Selling Your Small Business: Here's What You Need to Know
Growing Your Team? Consider These Hiring Costs

Growing Your Team? Consider These Hiring Costs

Growing Your Team? Consider These Hiring Costs
Shopping for a New Accounting Solution? Don't Overlook Customer Support

Shopping for a New Accounting Solution? Don't Overlook Customer Support

Shopping for a New Accounting Solution? Don't Overlook Customer Support
The State of the Small Business Accounting Universe [Free eBook]

The State of the Small Business Accounting Universe [Free eBook]

The State of the Small Business Accounting Universe [Free eBook]
How to Build a Team That Helps Your Business Thrive

How to Build a Team That Helps Your Business Thrive

How to Build a Team That Helps Your Business Thrive
Small Business Incorporation in Canada: Is It for You?

Small Business Incorporation in Canada: Is It for You?

Small Business Incorporation in Canada: Is It for You?
Finding Clients in Today's Economy

Finding Clients in Today's Economy

Finding Clients in Today's Economy
Financial Support for Canadian Small Businesses During COVID-19

Financial Support for Canadian Small Businesses During COVID-19

Financial Support for Canadian Small Businesses During COVID-19