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English Invoice Template

Create invoices online the easy way with FreshBooks and get paid faster for your work. Grow your business with better accounting solutions and unlimited access to helpful customer service.

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The Best Way to Invoice

Get started making professional-looking invoices and billing clients for your work. Download the free English invoice template from FreshBooks and start invoicing right away.

Invoice with FreshBooks instead.

Get Your Free English Invoice Template

This free invoice template helps small businesses create professional invoices to get paid for their services.

Create detailed invoices and bill clients for your work with the free English invoice template from FreshBooks.  

Download your free invoice and customize it to meet the needs of your business, whether youā€™re a small business owner, freelancer or entrepreneur. Choose the format thatā€™s right for you:

.DOC, .XLS, PDF, Google Docs and Google Sheets. View all our free invoices here.

Download the English Invoice Template

Invoice with FreshBooks


Download the free English invoice template to start creating professional invoices. Send detailed bills to clients and collect payment for your services. The English invoice template can be customized to fit your needs.

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English Invoicing for Small Businesses

Small businesses need to send invoices to get paid for their services. Youā€™ll want to create an invoice every time you finish a client project so that you can collect payment quickly.

Small businesses rely on steady cash flow to stay afloat. Using an invoice template can help you improve your accounting process.

Your English-language invoices should include all the important details your client will need to pay you, including a list of your services, a payment due date and the total amount owed.

How to Make an Invoice in English

Small businesses can make professional invoices in English by following these steps:

  1. Download the free English invoice template from FreshBooks
  2. Include your business contact details
  3. Add the clientā€™s contact information
  4. Create a unique invoice number and include the invoice date and payment due date
  5. Include an itemized list of the services provided with brief descriptions
  6. Include the total amount due and add applicable taxes
  7. Describe your payment terms, including any late fees charged for overdue payment
  8. Send the completed invoice to your client by email or mail

How to Fill Out an Invoice in English

To fill out an invoice in English, download the FreshBooks invoice template and then fill in the following sections:

  1. Fill out your contact information and add your company logo
  2. Fill out your clientā€™s contact information
  3. Fill in a new invoice number
  4. Add the invoice date and the payment due date
  5. Fill out all the services you provided
  6. Enter the total amount owing
  7. Add your payment terms

To send clients an English invoice youā€™ll first need to download and edit your invoice template. Once youā€™ve customized the invoice, save it to your computer in whatever format works best for you.

If youā€™re sending the invoice electronically, compose a polite email to the client quoting the invoice number and attach the invoice to your email. If you prefer to send the invoice by mail, write a brief covering letter and mail it along with your invoice.

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Download a Free English Invoice Template

Get started creating professional invoices with the free English invoice template from FreshBooks. FreshBooks offers simplified accounting solutions for small businesses from North America to the UK.

Just download the English invoice template today and start billing clients for your work.

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