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How to Increase Productivity at Work? 10 Ways

How to Increase Productivity at Work? 10 Ways

Itā€™s no secret that workplace productivity is a hot topic in any business. Getting more done at work means a higher amount of money made. As such, we want to get as much done as possible, but we donā€™t want to sacrifice quality. So how do we do it? By simply employing a few techniques, productivity can see an increase almost immediately. Keep reading to learn 10 ways to increase productivity in the workplace!

Hereā€™s What Weā€™ll Cover:

What Is Productivity?

10 Ways to Increase Workplace Productivity

Key Takeaways

What Is Productivity?

Productivity is a measure of an employeeā€™s output. This output is determined by observing how much work a person can do in a specific period of time. If theyā€™re able to meet a certain goal, theyā€™re considered productive employees. If they canā€™t, theyā€™re considered unproductive. When looking at your employees, youā€™ll tend to find that experienced employees are more productive than new ones. There are plenty of reasons for that. Some of them even have to do with how to increase productivity!

10 Ways to Increase Workplace Productivity

If youā€™ve seen a drop in productivity, or simply want to see whatā€™s capable of you or your employees, check out these ways to increase productivity.

1. Make a To-Do List

Seems simple, right? Well, it is! To-do lists are excellent productivity boosters and are often overlooked. A to-do list is like a grocery list; it tells you exactly what you need. As such, theyā€™re incredible productivity tools.

When making to-do lists, consider your daily routine. Put anything thatā€™s done on a daily basis at the top of the list. That way youā€™ll never forget it. Then, prioritize your tasks. High-priority tasks need to be done first and foremost and should be taken care of immediately. Longer, challenging tasks should also take a high spot on your to-do list, to prevent burnout. Then come your lower-priority tasks. As you complete tasks they can be marked off of the list! Itā€™s easy and effective.

2. Track Your Time

Any time management expert will tell you that tracking time leads to higher productivity. Understanding how youā€™re using time can help you focus. There are plenty of great time tracking apps, as well as techniques, that can be used here. When taking on any task, track the time it takes to complete it. Then, as you make to-do lists moving forward, you can plan accordingly. Time tracking and time management lead to more effective use of time in the future. The more effectively you use time, the more productive time youā€™ll see.

3. Get Rid of Distractions

Distractions are the bane of productivity. In this day and age, our lives are filled with them. Email notifications, phone notifications, and employee interruptions are rampant. By blocking out your time and getting rid of distractions, youā€™ll see marked improvements in your productivity. Silence your phone, turn off desktop notifications, and unplug. This is the best way to get work done more efficiently.

4. Schedule Everything

In the workplace, impromptu business meetings and phone calls can kill productivity. Theyā€™re nearly as bad as distractions. As such, all major phone calls and meetings should be scheduled ahead of time. Company leaders should be encouraged to avoid any unnecessary meetings, as well. Should an emergency occur, an emergency meeting is appropriate, of course. However, not everything in the workplace merits a Zoom call or an in-person meeting. Getting away from that mindset can increase productivity company-wide.

5. Add Exercise to Your Day

It has been proven that adding some exercise to your workday can increase productivity. When you do exercise you disengage the part of your brain worried about work. You can focus solely on the activity at hand. As such, youā€™ll return to work feeling refreshed and ready to complete whatever youā€™re working on. Just donā€™t overdo it!

6. Donā€™t Multitask

We all know someone who claims to be a proficient multitasker. Unfortunately, multitasking just isnā€™t possible. Studies have shown that productivity suffers when employees attempt to multitask. It actually reduces productivity up to 40%. When an individual switches tasks frequently, it creates mental blocks. The focus needed to finish a project becomes lost along the way. As such productivity becomes muddled and suffers.

7. Be Reasonable

Understanding your workload and being reasonable about it is a great way to increase productivity. When people take on more than they can chew, it doesnā€™t harm productivity in one way. Rather, it affects productivity for a number of reasons. First, taking on overwhelming tasks takes up all of your time. When you have no time to dedicate to the other tasks in your day, you wonā€™t be able to complete them. By taking on a single task thatā€™s overwhelming, all of your tasks can suffer.

Taking on impossible work also leads to issues with mental health. If a person is consistently stressed by the work theyā€™re doing, theyā€™re less likely to complete it. This is the result of stress aversion. We donā€™t want to do things that stress us out. In addition to stress, impossible tasks can cause damage to self-worth and confidence. Donā€™t take on too much.

8. Delegate Accordingly

On the same note, it is important to delegate accordingly. If youā€™re in a position that allows you to assign work, itā€™s important to assign it fairly. Take a look at what youā€™ve assigned already, and ask your employees if they can take on more work. If an employeeā€™s productivity is already suffering, itā€™s better to avoid assigning them extra duties. Only delegate work to people capable of doing it, and to people who have the time to do it.

9. Focus on Employee Engagement

Getting involved with employees regarding the work that theyā€™re doing can increase productivity. It does so in a number of ways. First, it keeps them aware of the work that theyā€™re doing. Engaged employees will always have an idea of what needs to be accomplished. They stay on top of their tasks. A large part of that is due to communication they receive. If they know that you care about the work theyā€™re doing, theyā€™re more likely to focus on it.

Another aspect of employee engagement involves asking for feedback. Ask them about the work theyā€™re doing. Ask them what they like about it, what they donā€™t like about it, and what theyā€™re struggling with. A disengaged employee is normally one that doesnā€™t feel heard. Stopping and listening to your employees can greatly increase their willingness to work.

10. Take Care of Your Health

If you want to be as productive as you can be, being healthy is an excellent start. To be mentally acute and ready to go, you need to be healthy. Things like sleep and diet affect every part of your life. If youā€™re not sleeping well, you wonā€™t be able to comprehend the tasks at hand. If you eat poorly, the same thing can be said. To nourish your work you have to nourish your life. Healthier people are more productive, both in and out of the office.

Key Takeaways

Productivity is the lifeblood of any business. Itā€™s how you can tell if youā€™re making money and is a decent measure of success. When employees are productive, they tend to be happier, healthier individuals. Boosting productivity can be done with just a few easy techniques. If you need to be more productive, use any one of the listed methods here. If you need more business content like this, check out our resource hub! We can help with productivity and a number of other topics!