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How to Write a Business Plan Cover Page: 5 Essential Tips

How to Write a Business Plan Cover Page: 5 Essential Tips

Writing a comprehensive business plan is a great first step in making a successful business.

It’s a good idea to create a business plan, even if you are writing the plan just for yourself. 

If you are writing the plan for potential investors, you’ll want to include a strong business proposal cover page. This helps to entice the recipient to read through your plan.

We’ll break down the 5 steps to creating a successful cover page and some essential tips that will help you along the way.

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

1. Use a Business Cover Page Template 

2. Use Your Business Logo

3. The Document Title

4. Company Information and Date

5. Write a Confidentiality Statement

Key Takeaways

1. Use a Business Cover Page Template 

Writing a business plan cover page is relatively straightforward.

But when you’re staring at a blank page, the task may suddenly seem very daunting. 

That’s why we recommend using a cover page template. 

Even if you don’t end up using the template, it can inspire ideas and help you get over that initial writing block. 

2. Use Your Business Logo

When somebody looks at your cover letter, it needs to stand out and be unique.

What better way to be unique than by including your business’s logo?

Your logo should be at the top of the page so that it’s the first thing that they see. Make sure that it’s a high-resolution image of the logo, as a blurry or pixelated image will look unprofessional. 

It’s also a good idea to keep the themes of your cover page consistent with your logo. So make sure your cover letter is using the same font type and color scheme as your logo. 

This will help your cover letter catch the eye of the reader and establish brand association.  It also helps them to start associating your logo with your business’s name. 

3. The Document Title

Next up is writing a short, yet strong document title. 

This is a short step, but it’s an important one. 

When choosing your document title you should be including your company name, and the duration the business plan will cover.

For example:

“Park Avenue Mechanics: A Five-Year Business Plan”

It’s short, simple, and tells the reader exactly what to expect. This should be placed below the logo in large print.  

4. Company Information and Date

Another simple, yet important step.

Underneath the title, you’ll need to write the physical business address. This is the address that your company is registered to. Then you should write the business’s contact information and the date. 

The physical address is where the investors or interested parties should send all their inquiries. 

The contact information should include the business phone number, email address and fax number. 

It is also a good idea to include your website address, if you have one, for people wanting to learn more about the public front of your business. 

Then directly below your contact information, write the date that the business plan was completed. This is so the reader can see when the information inside was relevant. Though it’s obviously important to keep your business plan as up-to-date as possible. 

5. Write a Confidentiality Statement

Last but not least is your confidentiality statement. 

This is good legal practice as it can protect your business against anybody leaking the contents of your business plan. 

Your confidentiality statement should be along the lines of this: 

“This document contains confidential information created by [your company name]. This document is issued exclusively for informational purposes, and may not be reproduced or shared without the consent of [your company name].”

This should clear up any confusion that may arise as to the privacy of the document. 

Key Takeaways

Think of your business plan cover page as your first impression. Don’t put hours upon hours of effort into the business plan itself but then just throw together a quick cover page. 

You could well be shooting yourself in the foot. 

The entire job of the cover page is to make sure the reader not only picks up your business plan but turns the page over and starts reading. 

So once you’ve finished your business plan, make sure you write a good cover letter. 

It could just be the difference. 

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