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Five Ways Your Routine Will Change When Working Remotely

Five Ways Your Routine Will Change When Working Remotely

Now that working remotely is more common, it has likely completely changed your daily and weekly work routine. You may no longer have a set schedule or daily interactions with colleagues. As more people are beginning to work remotely, they are discovering how their routines are changing to suit their new work life. Ensuring that you change with the times is critical to your success, while still allowing yourself to enjoy the freedom that comes with remote working. Below are five ways your routine will change when you start working remotely.

1. No Daily Commute

One of the perks of working remotely is that you no longer need to endure the daily commute. For some, the daily commute was a large portion of their day. Without having to factor in the commute, you may have the option of sleeping in longer or starting work earlier. Even though you may not be commuting to and from work, however, you may still be required to travel. Utilizing a mileage tracker app will help you to keep track of your travel for work.

2. Daily Breaks

While working at the office or the workplace, your daily breaks were likely structured and scheduled. You may have had daily lunches with colleagues and regular short breaks throughout the day. While working remotely, your schedule might all blend together and breaks can easily become overlooked, or even completely missed. Without colleagues or employers there to remind you to take a pause, you can easily work all day without taking some time for yourself. A time management app will keep track of your hours and remind you to take breaks throughout the day. Your daily breaks are vital to avoiding fatigue.

3. Communication With Colleagues

Working remotely means that you arenā€™t in immediate contact with your work colleagues. In a normal work situation, you may be constantly interacting with colleagues, clients, and other people streaming in and out of the office. Working remotely means that you arenā€™t engaging with your colleagues as often as you would usually be. Meetings, conferences and the occasional email or phone call may be the only time you connect with each other.

4. Your Work Uniform

Working remotely can drastically change your work uniform, since you donā€™t necessarily need to be as presentable as you would in an office. This means your uniform while working remotely is probably more comfortable and casual. However, studies show that it’s still important to get dressed for the day. Dressing professionally will help you feel as though you are ready to work productively and change your mindset from leisure time.

5. Engaging in Self Care

Working remotely allows for more time during the day than you would have otherwise. You may find yourself getting more sleep since you donā€™t have to commute to work. There will be enough time to get some exercise in your day, which boosts mental health and wellbeing. You may also feel more relaxed, as you arenā€™t traveling and rushing to fit everything in. Meals are an important part of the day, and with the extra time and lack of fast food options, nutritious meals are more accessible.

Working remotely will change your routine, though it doesnā€™t have to be a difficult change. Allowing yourself to take time and progress toward remote working will ensure more productive and efficient work is being done. Remembering to take breaks, keep in contact with your colleagues and dress professionally for the work day will help the change in routine go smoothly.