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Modern Invoice Template

Banish boring invoices. FreshBooks’ invoicing software seamlessly generates beautiful, modern invoices while giving you the power to customize them exactly to your needs.

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The Best Way to Invoice

Upgrade your invoice game. Download the free modern invoice template and send professional invoices that are stylish and functional. Plus, they’re a snap to fill out and send.

Invoice with FreshBooks instead.

Get Your Free Modern Invoice Template

As a business owner, you know that “old school” practices aren’t always the most efficient for running your business. When a new technique comes along and proves to work, you should jump on it.

The modern invoice template from FreshBooks allows you to keep up with the times and create and send invoices online in a few easy steps. Whether you decide to send your invoice via email or the FreshBooks website, you will be able to collect payments the modern way.

Download the modern invoice template to create your first invoice today.

Available for download in .DOC.XLS, .PDF, Google Docs and Google Sheets.

Download the Modern Invoice Template

Invoice With Freshbooks


You create cutting-edge work and you need an invoice that reflects your brand. Download the free modern invoice template from FreshBooks and customize it to create sleek invoices that are sure to impress clients.

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What Is a Modern Invoice Used For?

The modern invoice design allows you to stay ahead of the curve. While you could bill your clients with a carbon-copy printed invoice through snail mail, you should get with the times and send your invoices electronically.

Whether you are a small business owner, freelancer, painter or even a dog walker, a modern invoice can be used to notify your clients of charges that have been made to their accounts for the goods or services that you’ve provided them.

Using invoices as a way to maintain financial records allows you to have all pertinent financial information at hand come tax time. Here are some other key reasons to use a modern invoice.

  • Keep track of missed deadlines and late payments
  • Record client account information
  • Document important financial information
  • Record details necessary to file taxes
  • Make note of outstanding debts and debtors
  • Detail services provided
  • Keep bookkeeping quick and simple

How to Create a Modern Invoice

Creating modern and professional invoices for your business has never been easier. Thanks to the free resources from FreshBooks, you can skip the accountant and make billing an in-house job.

All you’ve got to do is download the free modern invoice template, follow a few quick steps and send the completed invoice to your clients. It is really that easy.

  1. Download the free modern invoice template from FreshBooks
  2. Include your business name and contact details
  3. Customize with your business’s branding by adding your logo and preferred color scheme
  4. Add your client’s name, business name and contact information
  5. Create and input a unique invoice number
  6. Add the invoice date and due date
  7. Provide a breakdown of services or products provided with descriptions and costs for each
  8. Calculate the total cost and add to the bottom of the invoice
  9. Provide payment terms and any additional information
  10. Save

With the highly customizable templates from FreshBooks, it’s never been easier to bill your clients. Whether you choose to download the modern invoice template for Excel, a modern invoice template for Word or one of the other many programs available, the power to create something great is in your hands.

Create your invoice and send to your clients over the internet in a matter of minutes. Get ready for the payment to hit the bank.

You can customize the template to reflect your branding and add your own touch. Including contact information for both you and your client, a unique invoice number and clear payment instructions ensure that you will get paid on time.

Types of Modern Invoices

Every business serves unique products and services to unique clients. Different businesses use different types of invoices to cater to the needs of their clients.

You may be wondering exactly where to find an invoice that meets your needs. Look no further. The free modern invoice template from FreshBooks allows you to customize your invoices so that you can create one that is perfect for you.

  • Standard Invoice: A Standard Invoice is exactly that: standard. It lists exactly how much a client owes for services and goods purchased
  • Recurring Invoice: A Recurring Invoice is used to collect payments on an ongoing basis
  • Prepayment Invoice: This style of invoice is used to collect a down payment or deposit before the services are performed or the total amount is due
  • Time-Based Invoice: A Time-Based Invoice includes charges that were based on services performed during a tracked timeframe
  • Credit Invoice: A Credit Invoice notifies clients of credits made to their accounts in cases of refunds or rebates
  • Debit Invoice: This type of invoice signifies an increase in the total amount that the client owes
  • Mixed Invoice: A Mixed Invoice includes a breakdown of the total cost with a list of charges and credits made to a client account

Since FreshBooks has a modern invoice template for word and a variety of other programs, creating the perfect invoice is so simple. Download your free template today so that you can be part of the FreshBooks buzz that stretches from the US to the UK.

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Download a Modern Invoice Template for Free

You work hard every day to make your business a success. It is time to get paid for your hard work. Are you ready?

Billing should be an easy task. Fortunately, Freshbooks has made this task as easy as can be. All you’ve got to do is download the template, fill in your information and send it out to your clients.

Skip the account and bill your clients the modern way.

Upgrade Your Invoice Template with FreshBooks