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Update Secondary Contacts

General Info 

The following API requests will allow you to update an existing client with secondary contacts.

Access Requirements

AccessRequires Authorization

Update Existing Client Profile with Secondary Contacts

Request: PUT


 "client": {
  "contacts": [
    "email": "aj_mclean@emailaddress.com",
    "fname": "AJ",
    "lname": "McLean",
    "phone1": "18663036061"
   "email": "howie_dorough@emailaddress.com",
   "fname": "Howie",
   "lname": "Dorough",
   "phone1": "18661235678"


    "response": {
        "result": {
            "client": {
                "accounting_systemid": "E85Qp",
                "allow_late_fees": true,
                "allow_late_notifications": true,
                "bus_phone": "",
                "company_industry": null,
                "company_size": null,
                "currency_code": "CAD",
                "direct_link_token": null,
                "email": "barbara@2020.com",
                "fax": "",
                "fname": "Barbara",
                "has_retainer": null,
                "home_phone": "",
                "id": 111111,
                "language": "en",
                "last_activity": null,
                "last_login": null,
                "level": 0,
                "lname": "Walters",
                "mob_phone": "",
                "note": "Says my invoices are the best",
                "notified": false,
                "num_logins": 0,
                "organization": "20/20",
                "p_city": "",
                "p_code": "",
                "p_country": "Canada",
                "p_province": "",
                "p_street": "",
                "p_street2": "",
                "pref_email": true,
                "pref_gmail": false,
                "retainer_id": null,
                "role": "client",
                "s_city": "",
                "s_code": "",
                "s_country": "",
                "s_province": "",
                "s_street": "",
                "s_street2": "",
                "signup_date": "2018-07-11 15:39:04",
                "statement_token": null,
                "subdomain": null,
                "updated": "2019-07-18 13:17:52",
                "userid": 111111,
                "username": "barbarawalters",
                "vat_name": null,
                "vat_number": "",
                "vis_state": 0

Get Client Profile and Associated Secondary Contacts

Request: GET



    "response": {
        "result": {
            "clients": [
                    "accounting_systemid": "E85Qp",
                    "allow_late_fees": true,
                    "allow_late_notifications": true,
                    "bus_phone": "",
                    "company_industry": null,
                    "company_size": null,
                    "currency_code": "CAD",
                    "direct_link_token": null,
                    "email": "",
                    "fax": "",
                    "fname": "Kevin",
                    "has_retainer": null,
                    "home_phone": null,
                    "id": 509270,
                    "language": "en",
                    "last_activity": null,
                    "last_login": null,
                    "level": 0,
                    "lname": "Federline",
                    "mob_phone": "",
                    "note": null,
                    "notified": false,
                    "num_logins": 0,
                    "organization": "Department 1",
                    "p_city": "",
                    "p_code": "",
                    "p_country": "Canada",
                    "p_province": "",
                    "p_street": "",
                    "p_street2": "",
                    "pref_email": true,
                    "pref_gmail": false,
                    "retainer_id": null,
                    "role": "client",
                    "s_city": "",
                    "s_code": "",
                    "s_country": "",
                    "s_province": "",
                    "s_street": "",
                    "s_street2": "",
                    "signup_date": "2019-06-18 19:14:31",
                    "statement_token": null,
                    "subdomain": null,
                    "updated": "2019-07-15 16:17:10",
                    "userid": 50001,
                    "username": "kevin2",
                    "vat_name": null,
                    "vat_number": "",
                    "vis_state": 0
                    "accounting_systemid": "E85Qp",
                    "allow_late_fees": true,
                    "allow_late_notifications": true,
                    "bus_phone": "",
                    "company_industry": null,
                    "company_size": null,
                    "currency_code": "CAD",
                    "direct_link_token": null,
                    "email": "raptors@someemail.com",
                    "fax": "",
                    "fname": "",
                    "has_retainer": null,
                    "home_phone": null,
                    "id": 505486,
                    "language": "en",
                    "last_activity": null,
                    "last_login": null,
                    "level": 0,
                    "lname": "",
                    "mob_phone": "",
                    "note": null,
                    "notified": false,
                    "num_logins": 0,
                    "organization": "Raptors Marketing",
                    "p_city": "",
                    "p_code": "",
                    "p_country": "Canada",
                    "p_province": "",
                    "p_street": "",
                    "p_street2": "",
                    "pref_email": true,
                    "pref_gmail": false,
                    "retainer_id": null,
                    "role": "client",
                    "s_city": "",
                    "s_code": "",
                    "s_country": "",
                    "s_province": "",
                    "s_street": "",
                    "s_street2": "",
                    "signup_date": "2019-06-03 22:20:31",
                    "statement_token": null,
                    "subdomain": null,
                    "updated": "2019-07-15 14:28:05",
                    "userid": 505486,
                    "username": "SEf2e2Jcam",
                    "vat_name": null,
                    "vat_number": "",
                    "vis_state": 0

Remove all Secondary Contacts

Request: PUT


{ "client":{
    "contacts": [] 